Fall Drawdown

The annual drawdown of Little York Lake is scheduled to begin on October 1st and be completed within a week. The maximum drawdown is 2 feet and is supposed to be down gradually during that time. The drawdown is managed by the Cortland County Highway Department.

The drawdown is intended to limit weed growth near the shoreline as well as allow owners to maintain their property. The timing and maximum drawdown are designed to limit the impact on inhabitants in the benthic layer, an important part of the fish food chain.

In the past, we’ve experienced some issues with excessive initial drawdowns. Now is the time to make appropriate plans for this annual process.

Fall Meeting and Picnic

Join us on Saturday, September 30th for our annual fall meeting and picnic beginning at 11 a.m. in Preble Park. As usual we will provide hot dogs and soft drinks. Please bring a dish to pass.

Everyone on the lake is invited to get an update on our work progress from this past season as well as our plans for the coming year. We’ll discuss the first year under the Lake District and how we see it evolving.

We’re also going to hold a live drawing for the 30th day of our 30-day raffle: a $100 cash prize!

To help plan for food on hand, please take a moment and fill out the following questionnaire prior to September 23rd: https://forms.gle/KvXXB665L82qbZqv5